Parking Arrangements

There is free parking at Bodriggy Health Centre for patients to use whilst visiting the surgery or Bodriggy Pharmacy.  We also have  2 dedicated parking bays for disabled badge holders which are situated close to the main entrance to the surgery.  There is a 5mph speed restriction in the car park area.  Drivers are kindly asked to look out for pedestrians.

Car owners who wish to use the car park do so at their own risk.  The management is unable to accept responsibility for any damage caused to vehicles or theft from vehicles whilst parked on the surgery premises.

There are limited parking spaces and, during busy times, the car park can be full.  Please allow extra time to park your car.  Parking is allowed along Queensway but please do not park along the entrance to Green Park Road and Bowling Green Court as this is private property and a wheel clamping zone.

Do you need to drive to the surgery?  We encourage patients to walk, cycle, lift share or use the local town bus.

We also encourage staff to walk, cycle or lift share and offer the Cycle to Work Scheme.